TruckSpring Times

Truck & Trailer Parts - News & Information

Stoko Skin care to be acquired by Deb Group

The Deb Group, one of the world’s largest providers of skin care products has announced they are acquiring the Stoko skin care line from Evonik Industries. At TruckSpring we have been distributing Stoko skin care products for years and will continue to update you of any changes as they occur in the near future. We will continue to offer you the names you have come to trust over the like: Kresto, Reduran, and Cupran, and hope to offer you an extended product line of automotive, industrial, and Healthcare related skin care products in the near future.

stoko skin care deb group





According to DEB Groups CEO Bryan Anderson “It has been a longstanding ambition of Deb’s to join forces with Stoko. We want to create the world’s most comprehensive and effective skincare product range for the workplace drawing on the significant innovation portfolio within both companies. This, in concert with vital information provided by Deb’s unique compliance monitoring technology, will fundamentally alter and improve standards of skincare behavior.”

The sale of stoko is not expected to clear until mid-summer 2014. We will keep you updated with any changes.



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